Sunday, August 10, 2014

Super fluffy, moist and yummy (with just a little bit of crispy) whole wheat pancakes

2 cups buttermilk or 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar + room temperature milk to the 2 cup line
2 eggs
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup canola oil
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tbsp baking powder
scant 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon

If using apple cider vinegar + milk, begin by bringing milk to room temp (microwave just barely). Add apple cider vinegar, and let sit a few minutes, or until curds begin to form.

Beat eggs until uniform. Mix in canola oil, buttermilk and vanilla until evenly combined, then add sugar and mix.

Sift together dry ingredients. Also, heat up a pan over medium heat and add some oil/butter. While the pan is heating, add all the dry ingredients to the wet ones and stir until just barely mixed, leaving lumps of batter. Don't overmix or let the mixed batter sit for very long, otherwise the pancakes will be flat and gummy. Depending on how you did with the milk and vinegar, the batter will probably expand significantly.

Ladle batter onto hot, oiled or non-stick pan over medium/med-low heat. Thicker pancakes are better, but not too thick! Fill the pan so the batter is not too thin at the edges. When bubbles form, flip and cook until both sides are golden brown. Serve immediately. These are delicious enough to be eaten plain, or you can lightly butter them, or eat with jam.

Or, freeze and reheat in the toaster.

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