Monday, October 13, 2014

Food Swap - Round II

Second edition of the food swap! The haul: some yummy baked goods, like chocolate chip pumpkin bread, brownies (already baked this time), and some cumin-spiced Indian butter cookies. We also got something neither of us have tried before--dried jujubes! They're very chewy, and kind of like a very dry date, but a bit firmer and tougher. The brown airy flesh has a pleasant, slightly fruity, but not overwhelming sweet taste. Also in line with the sweet items was a tub of whipped cinnamon butter--oh my god amazing. I could eat that stuff straight.

We also got some homemade thyme, oregano, garlic croutons made from the most amazing bread ever from BREAD Artisan Bakery in Santa Ana. Also in the bounty is a nice big bag of homemade granola.

Some ready-to-eat items were a cold orzo salad, hummus and salsa. The salsa had oregano in it, which I never understand because it makes it taste like pasta sauce instead of salsa (Trader Joe's has a salsa that they add oregano too as well... Bought that once, never again). So I tossed it all in a pot (we got 3 containers of it!), added a can of tomatoes, some tomato paste and herbs, and made a great pasta sauce for the spaghetti squash I cooked up last night (and had no idea how I was going to eat).

On a side note, I'm not really convinced that spaghetti squash is all that great. It's pretty bland, the texture is meh, and it has a pretty high moisture content, making the resulting dish kind of soggy. I think I'm going to try to put the leftovers into a casserole with a hearty sauce. I much prefer regular pasta over squash, but it was fun to try! Also, the shells of the squash are fascinating and I want to figure out something to do with them. They're almost like a very thin, hard plastic material. Maybe a planter for bromeliads?

Back to the bounty: peach salsa (Jim wanted this--I'm not a huge fan of peach salsa), salsa verde (delicious!), prickly pear jam (wasn't able to try it but sounds intriguing), and nut "chorizo!" Very excited about the salsa verde and the chorizo for breakfast this week. We also just coincidentally made some pico de gallo on Saturday, which will be great with all of that too.

I've also tasted just about the best mustard I have ever had in my entire life. It's the Oktoberfest beer mustard in the picture. We got 2 jars of it because it's soooo good. We got a couple of pretzel rolls that they sell at TJ's ($.99 each!) and just dipped chunks of bread into the mustard. Amazing. We also got another jar of mustard that was only so-so; it had a really spicy kick at first and then it mellowed out and had an almost sweet aftertaste. I'm going to let it mellow out some more in the fridge for awhile; it must have been freshly made.

From the same woman that made the beer mustard came infused kosher salt: sriracha and pinot noir. The sriracha salt is so good! We dipped some of the pretzel rolls in the sriracha salt with the mustard and I swear you couldn't tell the difference between that and a real pretzel.

On the non-edible (but still delicious-sounding) side, I got a bar of cucumber-avocado soap and a small jar of coffee facial scrub. Actually, the facial scrub is edible, although it probably doesn't taste very good.

And finally, a bottle of bouquet garni vinegar that I'm not really sure what to do with but am excited to have! All in all, a very successful swap. However, I did feel like at the last swap, there was a better selection or at least some more exciting items. At this one, there were only a few items that I really, really wanted. The rest of them were otherwise fairly meh. Although, maybe that serves as a good reminder to bring good stuff. The pomegranates were, surprisingly not as popular as we thought they'd be, although that may have been due to the fact that someone else had also brought pomegranates (and pomegranate wine, and pomegranate arils...). What WAS popular (and surprisingly so) were the green apples from Jim's dad's backyard! I think there were a couple factors that helped the apples: (1) telling people that they were sweet green apples, as opposed to tart and (2) offering samples to prove our point. We ran out of apples by the end, except for the few we wanted to save for ourselves. We had probably 6 small pomegranates and 4 large (which we never set out anyway) left over by the end. My 3 jars of pumpkin spice syrup I easily traded away, although I think it was better that I didn't bring a whole bunch of jars. They weren't quite as popular as I thought they would be, though people still seemed excited about them. All in all, a lovely day :)

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