Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Weekly Meal Planning: A Well Stocked Pantry

I'm trying to be more careful about how much I spend on groceries. Part of my problem is that I love grocery shopping, so the more I buy, the more time I get to spend shopping! It's great. But not great for my bank account, especially since I've been doing the whole independent IT contractor thing recently. Although I am happy to report that I was recently accepted as a HelloTech "Hero"! It's basically like Uber for tech support. While the pay is about half of what I make on my own, I'm hoping it will provide some more steady supplementary income. Maybe I'll at least be breaking even on my expenses instead of living off my savings! Wouldn't that be great.

So part of being careful about my grocery shopping is meal planning. I'm going to plan 3-4 meals for the week. I really don't eat that much, and a recipe usually makes way more than what I can eat in one sitting.

Hopefully this will keep my grocery bill down, eliminate waste, use more (all) of the ingredients I buy, and provide some tasty meals during the week! Consequently, I think I also get a nice little ego boost every time I look at most recipes: I'm like, pssh... 3/4 of this recipe are pantry ingredients for meeeee! I take some serious pride in having such a well-stocked pantry. That's probably one area of my life where I would have a really hard time going minimalist. I could easily go minimalist with clothes, furniture, cosmetics (I barely use any as it is) and pretty much anything else, but don't you dare try to pare down my pantry.

Here's my first meal plan for this week. I think one of the keys of planning successful meals around leftovers is using different flavors from meal to meal. My first meal centers around Mexican flavors, the second is Indian and the third is Chinese. I'm using the same base ingredient (pan seared tilapia), but avoiding repetition by varying the cuisine.

Some of the recipes call for too many servings, so I'm using this recipe servings converter to scale them down.

Meal 1 - Fish tacos with pico de gallo and chipotle cream sauce

Pan seared tilapia (★★★★★)
Yum! I don't think something could taste bad if it has chipotle crema on it. Also, first time ever pan searing fish... success! Kenji was right, it really is foolproof. I grew up eating tacos so often that I didn't really use a recipe besides for the fish. I did forget to add the corn (I love adding corn to everything. And lime. Everything tastes better with more lime), but I think that ended up being for the better. 

2-4 frozen tilapia fillets 
panko breadcrumbs  
greek yogurt 
white vinegar 

Shopping List
1 bunch of cilantro
1 head of cabbage 
2 limes 
1 box jalapenos (from TJs)/or just 1 jalapeno if you can buy singles 

1. Remove fishy taste from fish by marinating in cow's milk for no more than 20 minutes.
2. Pan sear all fillets, use 1-2 for the tacos, save leftovers for next meals.
3. Pico de gallo: mix equal parts chopped tomatoes and chopped onions; minced cilantro (to taste), minced jalapeno (to taste), juice from 1/2 of a lime and salt
4. Make a sour cream substitute for the chipotle crema by mixing 1 tsp vinegar : 1/3 cup greek yogurt
5. Make a chipotle crema to drizzle on top of tacos by mixing 1 tsp vinegar, 1/3 cup greek yogurt, 1 tsp chipotles in adobo and juice from 1/2 of a lime.
6. Assemble tacos with shredded cabbage, corn, pico de gallo (drain well before adding), fish and chipotle crema. Garnish with slices of lime.

Leftovers from this meal
1-2 pan seared tilapia fillets
5-7 jalapenos
1/2 of an onion

Meal 2 - Yogurt ginger curry

Yogurt ginger curry (★☆☆☆☆)
I was so disappointed with this recipe. When I tasted the finished curry sauce, it tasted like watery yogurt. I did use powdered ginger in place of fresh, but I also added extra dried minced garlic. To fix the curry, I  fried up half an onion in ghee and a heaping tablespoon of curry powder, then added it into the curry sauce. I also added 1 tbsp of tomato paste, 1 tsp of soy sauce, 1/4 tsp of dashi granules (for some umami kick, but not enough where you could taste it specifically), and 5-6 curry leaves. It was also extremely thin, so I thickened it with cornstarch. After improvising for a good 45 minutes, I felt that it was finally passable. I garnished with chopped cilantro and a heavy squeeze of lime--the lime really helped. Instead of using the fish fillets, I used TJ's masala burgers and triangles of whole wheat pita bread. What I put on the table ended up being not bad, but what this recipe initially produced was incredibly disappointing. After all my fiddling, I'd give the final product a solid 3 stars.

Leftovers to use
1-2 pan seared tilapia fillets or masala burgers

cumin seeds
asafoetida (sub with garlic or onions if unavailable)
fresh ginger
rice or flatbread

Shopping List

1. Reheat fish on wire rack on baking sheet, covered with foil at 275° until they reach 125-130 internal temp (~15 minutes for 1" thick fillets)

Leftovers from this meal
3/4 cup curry sauce

Meal 3 - Black bean stir fry

Tilapia with scallions and black bean sauce (★★★★★)
This was delicious! I mostly used the recipe for the sauce, since I already pan seared the tilapia. But I couldn't help but tinker with the sauce, as I'm wont to do. Mind you, this was before I even tasted it. But in my experience, just using the black bean sauce can be fairly overwhelming, so I added some stuff to balance it out. I added 1 tbsp sake, 1 tbsp mirin, 1/2 tsp chile garlic sauce, 1 tsp garlic paste and 1 tsp ginger paste. I stir fried carrots and mushrooms in sesame oil with some salt and pepper (white and black), then added a few pinches of chinese five spice. When the mushrooms and carrots were just about done, I threw in some shredded cabbage and put the fish in the oven to reheat it. When the vegetables were cooked, I turned the heat down (so the sauce wouldn't burn) and poured in about 2/3 of the sauce. I put it back on the heat and let it reduce down just a little. I filled a bowl with brown rice, broke up the tilapia into chunks, then scooped the saucy veggies over it. The neutral flavor but seasoned flavor of the fish balanced the strength of sauce, and the brown rice provided a warm, nutty background for it all. Overall, an excellent dish. 

Leftovers to use

black bean garlic sauce
oyster sauce
soy sauce
sesame oil
rice vinegar
chile sauce (e.g. sriracha)
carrots, corn, water chestnuts or other good stir fry veggies

Shopping List
1 box of mushrooms

1. Omit fillets if none left
2. Stir fry mushrooms, leftover cabbage and any other stir fry veggies in sauce
3. Serve with tilapia and rice, top with a fried egg for something heartier

Leftovers from this meal
stir fried veggies
1 tilapia fillet

Side 1 - Mason jar farro salad

Farro salad (☆☆☆☆☆)
My barley had gone bad! It was the quick-cooking kind from TJs, so I imagine it expires more quickly than the raw kind. So I skipped this and made the coleslaw instead. 

Leftovers to use

green apple 
white wine vinegar
poppy seeds
dried cranberries

Shopping List

1. Skip if no cabbage leftover. 

Side 2 - Kenji's creamy coleslaw

Creamy coleslaw (★★★★☆)
(Let's be real--this is a Kenji recipe, so I might as well just give it 5 stars right away. If it's anything less than 5, then I screwed up.) 
Update: Soooo... as much as I love Kenji and his recipes, this turned out just a little too dry. Granted, I did scale it down by a factor of something ridiculous like 16 because I had so little cabbage to work with, so the dryness may have happened in translation. Not to worry, because a little extra mayo made it perfect. The flavor was great, and even James ate quite a bit. It was perfect with the chili we (I) made! I think this is probably my new go-to coleslaw recipe. 

Leftovers to use

fresh parsley (from herb garden)
white sugar
kosher salt
apple cider vinegar
dijon mustard

Shopping List


Side 3 - Pickled jalapenos

Pickled jalapenos (★★★★★)
Good, but spicy! I'm such a wimp when it comes to spicy. I did not add any additional spiciness to this recipe, but I still find them quite hot. They actually tasted pretty good as a garnish to the curry though. My friend--who has a much greater spice tolerance than I do--reported that they were extremely tasty, and both of my sisters love this recipe, so I'm going give it five stars on the merit of their judgment. It's not the recipe's fault I can't do spicy. But I am looking forward to putting these into cornbread muffins with a dollop of cream cheese and eating them with chili! 

Leftovers to use
5-7 jalapenos 

white balsamic vinegar (for best flavor; champagne works well too)
fresh garlic

Shopping List

1. Skip if no jalapenos leftover.

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